03/16/2021 – Call History Display Failure Affected Services Call history and traces were intermittently unavailable on all cores. No disruption to call services occurred. Event Summary...
08/14/2020 – Portal, API, SNAPmobile Outage Affected Services Portals, API, and SNAPmobile were among the affected services. Portals and API do not load. SNAPmobile does not...
11/22/2019 – v2 ACS001 Core Failure Affected Services Phones registered to Atlanta lost registration. Devices configured with SRV or UDP failed over. Devices configured as TCP...
6/6/2019 – v2 NYJ004 Network Failure Affected Services None. Connectivity to devices registered to NYJ would’ve been affected. However services were already shut down for maintenance....
5/6/2019 – v2 Atlanta Network Failure Affected Services Inbound calls and registrations for customers on v2 nodes in Atlanta Event Summary Inbound calls failing and lost...