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  3. Allow and Block Calls

Allow and Block Calls

The following steps will allow you to Allow and Block Calls from the Web Portal.

Items Needed

  • Access to Manager Portal via Client Portal or Direct Link: https://manage.prysmvoice.com
  • Site Manager or Office Manager Scope
  • Evaluate Call Flow Condition

    It’s important to determine how the calls logically route within your set up. You most likely use a Ring Group or a Time of Day routing user.

    In order to determine where to add the explicit allow/block list, you will need to start with the phone number that the calls are originating through. This will require you navigate to Inventory and then the Phone Numbers tab. Note the treatment type of the phone number. We will need to locate this user in the next step.

    Select User From Account

    From the top navigation menu, you will click on Users.

    If the treatment type was set to “Time of Day Routing” then you will need to un-hide the system users so that it will become visible. Alternatively, if the treatment type was set to a specific user (e.g. a Ring Group or Call Routing User) then you will navigate directly to that user.

    You are then looking for a user that will be called “TOD 1XXXXXXXXXX”

    From the user’s profile, select the Answering Rules tab.

    Then, in the upper-right corner you will find an Allow/Block button. It’s important not to modify the list of answering rules or you risk changes to the call flow — this is especially true for a Time of Day routing user.

    • To Allow you will enter the number on the Allowed Numbers
    • To Block you will enter the number on the Blocked Numbers
    • Once done adding numbers click Done.


    If you do not find an associated ring group (usually extension 4000) verify the following:
    – Do you have the “Office Manager” scope?

    Helpful Tips

    It is important to block calls through the web manager portal so that all calls will have the same call logic applied. If you block calls at a single device, only that device will ignore the call while other registered devices will continue to ring through. In addition, should a device ever get factory reset these types of local settings will be overwritten with the information pulled from the server.

    Updated on August 16, 2022
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